When we got here, all the windows in the house had Venetian blinds. I decided shortly after moving in that I don't like Venetian blinds very much. The strings get stuck, they flop all over the place, they aren't very attractive, and Zeke has figured out how to rip chucks out of the individual slats. Thus, the "Good Idea Fairy" struck me in the head with her wand, causing Josh to cry, as I decided that I wanted the blinds to come down and curtains to go up. (Josh is not a fan of the "Good Idea Fairy" since the good ideas she places in my head usually mean some sor of work for him.)
So I asked Josh's mom if she would make us some curtains for our house. I told her I would measure the windows, pick out fabric, and all that she needed to make the curtains once school let out for her. As I was shopping online for fabrics (which I really have NO idea how to do, but I got it done) I decided I didn't want to wait a month or two for curtains. Also, I figured, how hard could it be to make curtains? After all, they're just rectangles. Thus, I had the fabrics mailed to me and I got out the sewing maching Karen got me for Christmas so many years ago, and I made some curtains for our house.
I got the curtains for the boys room finished first since they needed blackout curtains more than any other room needed anything. I think the curtains help a little at night, but it seems that even darkness can't stop the two of them from having a three hour fun-fest every night. But here is what they got...
Next project was the living room since that fabric actually came first, and I was so tired of looking at this...

They are, of course, beautiful windows and I love them, but they were just so, I don't know, boring or something. Plain. Just kind of "meh". Plus, the blinds on these windows were particularly fickle and obnoxious, so on days when it gets warm, it's a pain to close them to keep some of the heat out. (This upper floor REALLY heats up on a warm afternoon - the thermometer can read up to 90 degrees sometimes.) So I made some curtains, and wow what a difference. Not only do I think they look nice, but they really do help keep the room no warmer than 80 on hot days. Behold...

Sorry these pictures are kind of dark, the windows just let in so much light.
Now, with the boys room done (yes, I know I'm missing an apostrophe there, but I just don't know where to put it boy's? boys'? boys''? so I'm leaving it out) and the living room finished, I moved on to our bedroom. And basically we just wanted some blackout curtains for our room because it's way too bright in there all. night. long. Plus, I wanted it to look a little bit prettier. There's nothing wrong with that, right? Anyhoo, Josh solely picked out the fabric for our room, and I must say that he did well. Sure, it's a lot of orange when they're all closed, but they make it nice and dark, you almost don't notice...

Now I am finished, for the time being. I want to put up curtains in the guest room and the play room/Josh's "man cave", but I have to go shopping for fabric first. Plus, I need a little time off. While they weren't hard, they were somewhat time consuming. Not that I have anything else to do, but I just want a little break.
Also, as if sewing curtains weren't enough, I also finished the two blankets I've been working on (seemingly forever) for Project Linus. They both are done in the same pattern, a pattern I rather like, but a pattern that I don't want to do again any time soon.

And that is all for my "show and tell" time. Especially since Deacon is crying to be released from his naptime prison. I promise to be back soon though because we went to the Renaissance Faire this weekend and Zeke went on his first pony ride, so I have to share those pictures.