Here's the problem...the two or three times I've tried putting Deacon down in Zeke's room he has screamed like he has never screamed before. Normally I would just let him cry it out until he falls asleep and then I know he'd be fine. However, his screaming keeps Zeke awake (and I think it freaks Zeke out a little bit) so I don't like to let him scream for longer than a half hour (since Zeke almost never falls asleep a half hour after being in bed anyways). The last time I put him in there he screamed for twenty minutes, then was quiet for twenty minutes, then REALLY started screaming, like his arm was stuck in the crib slats or something. He was fine, just lying there, but I took him out then, so Zeke could sleep.
What do I do? I don't want to keep Zeke awake for who-knows-how-long for who-knows-how-many-nights, but I'm afraid that if I keep putting Deacon in, let him cry for a half hour, then take him out, that will become the routine. I've thought about just putting Deacon in the room until he stops crying, but what would I do with Zeke? He is definitely too big for "prison transfers" and it's not fair to him to have to sleep in a little pack and play instead of his bed.
Josh says I should just move Deacon into one of the bedrooms upstairs. And maybe he's right. I just don't feel comfortable with that, and I really can't explain why. I don't know if it's because of the type of stairs we have, twisty and slippery, that if I need to rush up (or down) them for some kind of emergency (not that I can think of one that would occur), it would make it all more dangerous? I don't know if it's because I enjoy having a "guest floor" with two guest rooms and putting Deacon up there would make one less guest room (even though it would open up the comfy couch bed)? I don't know if it's just beacause I don't like the idea of him being up there by himself all night long. I know he'd be sleeping and wouldn't notice, but I don't know.
29 April 2008
What Do I Do?
28 April 2008
The Things That Man Says
This conversation occured as I was cutting Josh's hair yesterday:
Josh: So I've made up a new word in honor of our favorite movie star.
Beth: Bruce Campbell?
Josh (with a slight tone of disbelief): No. Brad Pitt.
Beth: Ahhh. Yes, Brad Pitt. So, what's the word?
Josh: Well, if something is really cool, or something really cool happens, it is now "bradical".
Beth: Nice. So, is Angelina pregnant again?
Josh (in as serious a voice as one can come by): I just don't know how Brad keeps up with her. She is all over the place. I buy things I don't need at the Shopette every day just to read the magazine headlines in a small attempt to know what she's up to.
He seriously cracks me up.
Here is a video of Deacon making "kissy noises". He actually does a much better job now and it's very sweet. But this is the video I have, so this is the video you get. Oh, and that tooth I said came in on Wednesday or whenever, yeah. It actually didn't come in until Saturday. I counted that chicken WAY before it hatched. But we are still at four teeth. Very exciting.
This is a video of what Zeke does most of the day. Just in case anyone was wondering. Just back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and...well, you get the picture. Ahh, to have that much energy.
25 April 2008
On the Bubble (sorry, no pictures this time)
24 April 2008
Aww, Gee, You Guys

22 April 2008
It's Not All Fun and Laughter

16 April 2008
15 April 2008
I Dare You Not to Laugh
Deacon also sprouted his third tooth today. Such a big boy. I haven't gotten a clear picture of it yet, but I'm working on it. I did get these two fabulous pictures today though...

Deacon figured out how to get at the Cheerios in the backpack...
11 April 2008
Oh, Brothers
I took Deacon to the doctor's today for his 9 month well baby. I know, I'm about half a month behind on that, but that's just how we like to do things here with this clinic. However, he had a great check-up. The doctor just laughed the whole time as Deacon cooed, and grinned, and drooled the whole time (which was really nice since the whole thing took place during his naptime). Weighing in at 21 1/2 pounds, and measuring 27 3/4 inches long, Deacon is pretty much exactly at the 50th percentile for height, weight, and head circumfrence. "A perfectly preportionate baby" the doctor said. She's very sweet. We like her a lot. Zeke did well too sitting in the waiting room with Daddy. Apparently another little boy around Zeke's age came in and sat with Zeke. They were showing "Chicken Little" on the TV and Josh says every now and then Zeke would say, "Wow!" and point to the screen so the other little boy would look. He also said Zeke fed this other boy some of Zeke's raisins. He's such a good sharer (not a really word, I know, but I figured it would have been better than saying he's a good sharing-head).
In other "news" I was sick the past few days. This was really nice since Josh was in the field over night and that meant I spent Wednesday night throwing up by myself. Sad. I must say, though, that the boys were excellent while I was lying on the couch all day feeling like I was going to die. They played really well together, and on their own. Now that Deacon is getting bigger and more vocal and is just funny, Zeke is really starting to enjoy him. Zeke will bring Deacon toys, not as often as he takes toys from Deacon, but to be fair, Deacon's pretty good at swiping toys from Zeke too. Zeke also tries to feed Deacon occasionally, and they just have good times sitting there laughing and screaming at each other. Here is a little video demonstrating a bit of their amusing each other. And I promise you that when the video cuts out Zeke is not about to slap Deacon in the head, he actually reached up and patted Deacon on the head, another thing Zeke does on a daily basis. They really are sweet boys!
07 April 2008
05 April 2008
The Wait Poem
01 April 2008
That's Gratitude For You
and do I ever get a "Hi Mommy" right off the