So, last month (February), I all these thoughts for all these different blogs as all these different events (if you will) took place, but I didn't have the pictures for them, and so they sat there in my mind until the pictures were taken. Well, the pictures have been taken and so I can now put up three blogs in one. So, strap on your saftey belts as away we go!
3 out of 4 ain't bad
February was a big month for me knitting project-wise. I had four projects currently going for who-knows-how-long, and I finished three of them this month! Yay me! And now the fourth is "on hold" at the moment while I work on something else. But that's almost done, which means #4 is almost done. But here are some pictures of the projects I finished this month.
1.) A reversable hat for Deacon (this one I actually did the whole thing in February, but since it was finished in February, I'm counting it)...

2.) a blanket I've been crocheting FOREVER (named "Harvest Bounty" by Linda) 

3.) Last but not least, some fingerless gloves! (I know they are totally 80's but I don't care. I think they are suh-weeeeet!!)

I can breathe a sigh of relief now. Ahh...
(*since starting this blog, I finished the fourth project. no pictures though...they're just little blankets)
Yay for Unexpected Visitors!Over President's Weekend we had (as you can tell from the title of this "blog") some unexpected visitors. A friend of mine here, Monica, called me Thursday morning kind of panicked. You see, they were in the process of getting out of Germany, and were supposed to be staying with another friend of ours and her husband since Monica and family had to "check out" of their home (as it were) on Friday, and weren't flying until Monday. However, this friend of ours got incredibly sick so Monica decided that with having a two-year-old, and with being pregnant, staying in a sick person's house for four days would NOT be a good idea. Very smart, I think. BUT this meant they had to find somewhere else to go and pronto. So Monica called me, and I answered. We had so much fun having Monica, Steve and Lillian here with us that weekend. Here are a few pictures from that weekend. Obviously they are almost all of the kids, because what's more fun than two two-year-olds hanging out?

What a great weekend!
We're so white and nerdy!
Well, it's here. Josh's new car. Josh's brand new 2008 Volvo XC90. That's right. We are now the proud owners of not one, but two Volvos. Does that just scream preppy or what? Whatever word you would use to describe us now or no, it is
a pretty s
weet ride. Here are some pictures.
Happy Driving Honey!