It's been awhile. Basically, that's because there hasn't been too much going on over here in "Walterland"
. Well, nothing overly exciting anyways. Deacon started popping up on his knees and sliding backwards on Sunday. That's fun. That also means that he is WAY more mobile than he was when he was just rolling back and forth, and I can no longer "just leave him for a moment". He's also doing a good job of sitting up on his own. He can't get up on his own, but he can keep himself up once put into the sitting position. At least for a little bit anyways. He's also thoroughly enjoying the vegetable we've been feeding over the past few weeks. I think we're going to have quite the eater with this one. I know I've said that before, but this guy actually ate the carrots. Zeke liked to eat, but he would refuse to eat the carrots. Deacon, you could tell, doesn't enjoy them either, but he still eats them.

Zeke has picked up a new habit. When asked to do something, or told somethi

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