But, he got over it (like most things) quickly, and now the two of them play with it together rather happily. In fact, over the last few days, Zeke has taken a new interest in Deacon, and it's really rather sweet. They "play" together, they make each other laugh, and Zeke has become fond of patting Deacon on the head. Of course, I have to watch to make sure pat doesn't become slap, and head doesn't become face, but it's still sweet to watch. A new favorite activity is for Zeke to push Deacon around in circles when I put him into the seat. I posted a video of it on my bebo page since I still can't figure out how to post videos here. Can someone else who has figured it out help me? Here's a picture of the two boys playing together to hold you over until you switch sites...
I know, I know...AWWWW!!! Hehehe. We also started feeding Deacon peas this week. He loves them! I think we're going to have another big eater on our hands. I'm sure I've said this before, but I really fear for our future food bills. "Hi, I'll take an entire cow, three chickens, and two pigs, please. I think that will last us for a month, thank you." Anyhoo...That's really all that's fun and exciting over here. And Zeke says, "Thank you" to all of you who sent birthday wishes. Until next time, I shall leave you with this...

They have gotten so big - Zeke looks like a totally different little boy since I left!!
To post video - you can upload video on google video and then there is section where it gives you the code to enter into your post on blogger. Hope this helps and that all continues to go well.
Still no baby news on this front - the doctor is a bit mystified as to why nothing has begin to happen since this is the second - stubborness is a family trait:)
So Jeff shared this interesting tidbit at the dinner table the other day...
Relevant to a conversation about peanut butter that we had been having, Jeff remarked how much he liked the PB&J sandwich you made him while we were all at mom's. I didn't recall that happening and asked "What sandwich? When did Beth make you a sandwich?" "Um...well..." he replied. "She didn't really make it for me. She made it for Zeke but he didn't want to eat it, so I ate it for him when Beth wasn't looking. He kept smiling at me and giving high fives! You gotta promise not to rat me out! I'm Zeke's favorite, you can't break that!"
Can you believe that?! I think Uncle Jeff is training Zeke to be a spy because they pulled that operation off pretty smoothly.
I love the picture of the two of them playing!
And now it's time to say Happy Birthday to their Mama! Happy Birthday, Beth! Hope you are having a great day!
Always happy to inspire! And we know exactly what you mean about watching out that loving a little sib doesn't turn too rough... We're usually okay, but sometimes things go overboard!
Hi Beth, It's Angie, Joni's mom. I linked to you from her site. I've enjoyed catching up on your fam. The boys are so cute! I can't believe Zeke is two already! Yikes! I'll be checking back periodically to watch them grow.
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