08 March 2013

Like a Lion

There was a delayed opening for schools today because March is running around, roaring like a lion:
The boys have been acting like a bunch of monkey-headed hooligans this morning because March is roaring like a lion outside:
Actually, I think the real reason they've been a little...difficult, let's say...this morning is because Josh got home this morning from his most recent trip. You see, usually when Josh goes away he brings back a little something for the boys, a new Skylander for their game, Lego mini-figs for the bigger two, books, something else along those lines.  Last time he was gone the boys were less than well behaved and so Josh didn't give them a gift when he returned.  So when he was putting the boys in bed Sunday night (he left around 4:30 Monday morning) he told them to be good and maybe they'd get a special gift.  Well, once the boys saw Josh this morning it was as if all bets were off.  Dad's home and that's the end of our "we must be good time".  Between the attitudes (Deacon), the meltdowns (Finn) and  the superexcitedohmygoshdaddy'shomeIhavetotellhimeverythingandanythingatonce-ness (Zeke, although I'm sure you guessed that already) I was like, "Jinkies March! Enough with the lion-ing already! I'm ready for the lamb portion of the month - the calmer, warmer, springtime weather)."
It's probably a really good thing Josh, Deacon and Finn are all taking naps right now - and from the sound of it, actually sleeping.  Ahh peace and quiet. I think I shall enjoy you now, by having some tea and reading my book.

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