Deacon started preschool on Monday. Talk about exciting stuff. He was so thrilled to
finally be going to school (he's been waiting since Zeke started school
last month). He has 2 teachers and 6 (I think) kids in his class. He is having a great time, is doing well (you know, the whole 3 days he's gone so far), and really looks forward to going every day (again, the whole 3 days he's gone so far). The school is right here on base, so it's literally a 3 minute drive - at the most. It's also right across the street from where Josh works, so he's able to help drive him back and forth (when he's around that is). Deacon goes to school from 12-3 in the afternoon, every day. This is NOT what I wanted, nor is it the class I originally signed him up for (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 8:30-11:30), but due to many things that still have me a bit irritated, this is the class he's in. And since this is the class he's in, I'm trying to embrace it and appreciate it, so I don't want to dwell on what happened anymore - unless you insist on hearing the story (hahaha). It's over, it's done, and it's all good. Right? Right!

One of the good things about Deacon going to school in the afternoon is that if he were home, he'd be in bed taking a nap, so it's almost like he'd "be gone" anyway, so I don't miss him as much! An unexpected "side effect"(?) of Deacon starting school is that now Finn wants to be a part of the school action. He found his little backpack that we use for church, and insists on wearing it most of the time he's awake. It is really kind of funny watching him run laps around the house with this backpack on, bouncing all around. He also tried to get on the bus with Zeke this morning (with his little backpack on). Not yet buddy.
So that's where we're at now. Deacon has started school, so we're adjusting to that and adjusting the change in schedule it's bringing about. Zeke is still loving school, so that's good. Finn can't wait to go to school, even though he has no idea what it is, so that's fun. Josh leaves again this weekend for another trip, this time to D.C. And I'm kind of tired today so I'm going to go lay down for a bit. See y'all later!
Finn with a backpack is too cute! I am sorry the school time you wanted didn't work out, but am glad he loves it. Lately, Ben is trying to get on the bus with Liam or trying to join in Liam's recess at Liam's morning preschool. I am not ready for Ben to want to be big.
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