31 January 2011
Shawls and Hats
27 January 2011
Oh, That Youngest Walter Boy
24 January 2011
Go My Favorite Sports Team!
22 January 2011
Chips Ahoy!
21 January 2011
So, It's Come To This
He actually left that headband elastic thing in for most of the morning. He hasn't let me put on in since, but it worked really well while he was willing to use it.
Also, Finn is a crawling champion now and is everywhere and into everything all at once. He can get from one end of the house to the other end in 5 seconds flat. (That might be an exaggeration.) So, it's come to this:
I usually just put it up when I'm cooking dinner, or when I'm getting Zeke off the bus. Otherwise, I'm not usually far enough away from him that I can't stop him from doing a header down the stairs.
Good times, people. Gooooood times.
20 January 2011
Oh Sure
19 January 2011
My Boy
18 January 2011
Good Thinking, Us
15 January 2011
13 January 2011
Now We Just Need to Get Rid of the Snow
12 January 2011
My Day
I put the boys in bed, had some lunch, then did the dishes that I was too tired to do the night before. Sigh. Then Josh tried calling and my phone "broke". It would ring and it worked, but I couldn't get any sound to come out of it. At all. So, as people tried to call me all afternoon, I would sit there listening to my ring tone, then text them back that I couldn't talk because my phone had no sound. I tried so many things to fix it. Finally I gave up and took a nap.
After my nap I got the boys up from their nap. I made hot dogs and macaroni and cheese for dinner (we really do things up special here). Josh came home and brought with him a super yummy cake from Coldstone Creamery. It was devil's food cake and chocolate ice cream layered with peanut butter cups. Soooo good. Here we are singing to me.
I think my favorite part of the evening was watching Deacon eat his piece of ice cream cake.
Yup, that's my boy! I know this may be overkill with the videos and the pictures, but I don't care. It's my birthday post, and I'll put up whatever I want. Lol. Besides, Deacon had us rolling.
While the sugar monster finished off his cake and ice cream, I opened my presents. Josh got me a Cold Stone gift card with the promise of time away from the boys (yay!), and Karen got me these sweet sock monkey slippers, that I apparently have to share with my children.
After we cleaned up Deacon, I left for evening Bible study on base. The ladies there sang to me as well. All in all, it was a pretty good day. A nice way to start the next year of my life.
And by the way, Josh came home from work, essentially looked at my phone, and fixed it in, like, 3 seconds. Jerk.
10 January 2011
May I Have Your Attention Please?
07 January 2011
Ah, Deaconland
06 January 2011
04 January 2011
Gah! How Did This Happen?!
01 January 2011
Happy New Year!