Yesterday afternoon, I called Amity to see if she wanted to go together (since she lives right around the block), and she told me how her husband was supposed to watch their 5 kids, plus another woman's 2 kids, but her husband had just called to say he wasn't going to be home any where close to on time, so she was going to stay home with all the kids so her friend could go to dinner without her kids (this other woman's husband is currently deployed). When Josh got home from work I told him what was going on, and he volunteered to watch all of the kids. All of them. Amity's 5, her friend's 2, and our 2 (I was told I had to bring Finn with me). That's 9. Josh, of his own sweetness and good will volunteered to watch 9 kids until Amity's husband could get home from work, so that Amity could go out to dinner with us as well. Isn't he wonderful? He had all 9 kids for an hour and a half or so too.
Josh told me I shouldn't expect him to volunteer for anything like this again anytime soon, but it was SO appreciated by so many ladies (not just Amity, her friend, and myself, but everyone else who was at dinner and heard the story and was happy all 3 of us were able to make it). Thank you babe, you really saved the day. Our hero.
That is the definition of brave! :-) How amazing!!
maybe josh is trying to say that 3 walter boys aren't enough. 6 more to go guys!
That's impressive, Josh! I don't think I would want to watch 9 kids!
good job josh way to go!
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