30 March 2010
Look Out World, Here He Comes!
29 March 2010
Better Weather
I've decided to start with the weather since it sort of sets up the background for another post that's for another day. I got an email the other day from a friend here. It was a forward but I thought it was pretty funny all the same. The email said how they could tell that spring is coming because they could see the deer walking around in their backyard...
Pretty funny, no? I got a kick out of it anyway.
In all seriousness though, we have been having beautiful weather lately. Besides Saturday evening into Sunday morning when it snowed a little again, it has been in the upper 30's and sunny. Ahh...lovely. It's been so nice that stuff has been melting. I guess "breakup" is officially here. We even have a little patch of grass showing on one side of our driveway. See?
I apologize for the poorish quality of the pictures in this post. Blogger isn't working properly on my computer right now so I had to take pictures of the pictures with my iPhone so I could get this post done. Hopefully tomorrow it will be working again. See you then.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
19 March 2010
Of Pillowcases and Prayer Shawls
After I finished Erin's shawl, I wasn't sure what to do next, so I took a little through my little stash of yarn and decided that I needed to just make something out of a bunch of yarn that I had leftover from another project I had done awhile ago. This shawl, once we have our next "meeting" and it gets prayed over, will go in the church's prayer shawl basket for whoever in the community needs it.
And there you go. I've already started my next shawl (and I'm really excited to see how it turns out), and I'm probably 75% of the way through Omi's blanket. I feel so productive all of a sudden.
17 March 2010
Potty Update
Thank you for your advice, to those who offered it. We did start out trying a sort of reward system. The boys and I made posters and we hung them on the bathroom wall. The idea was that every time they went to the bathroom on (in?) the toilet they could put a sticker or two on their poster. As you can see someone (ahem, Deacon) cheated quite a bit.
However, it got to the point where they would sit on the toilet then hop off, expecting stickers. Thus negating it's intended purpose. (I didn't really want to go the candy route because they have more than enough energy as it is, and more sugar is not something that they need.) So now they just put stickers up there whenever they want just because it's fun. Oh, and my potty record is better then my poster indicates, I promise.
Anyhoo, after a week or so of letting the boys run around the house all nakie bum, it seemed like Zeke was starting to get it. So I took Joni's advice ( which I think she said was another friend's advice to her) and decided to just put Zeke in some underpants and see what happened.
He, of course cried and carried on about not wanting to wear underpants, and about how much he wanted a diaper. But after 5 minutes he realized I wasn't going to change my mind on the matter, so he changed his mind and was happy to be in underpants. Now he wakes up in the morning (or after a nap) and says, "Helllooooo underpants!" as we pick out a pair to wear.
For the first week we still put him in diapers when we left the house. I didn't want to push him too hard and cause some sort of regression, but he is now comfortable leaving the house in his underpants. He's been to the store a couple of times in his underpants. He went to church this past weekend in his underpants, and even used the bathroom at church (3 times - only actually going once) with my help (those toilets are pretty big).
Yesterday was our big "test" though. Yesterday was the first PWOC we went to with him in underpants. This was a big deal because he would have to do it all by himself in a place he'd never gone before and he emerged victorious. The one childcare worker said she had asked him if he had to go and he told her that he wanted a diaper, but she told him he could use the potty and so he did. He still needs some help snapping his pants, but he can do it all on his own now. He's such a big boy.
Of course, he still wears a diaper for naps and to bed at night, and he still hasn't pooped in the toilet yet, but we'll get there. I'm not worried. Now Deacon on the other hand, he's just not ready. I let him wear underpants in the morning because he doesn't usually do anything in the early a.m. But it's diapers for the rest of the day out for the little man. Again, we'll get there. I am quite pleased with the progress we've made so far.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
11 March 2010
The boys lost interest in the dogs shortly after arriving. In Zeke's defense, he knew there were trains somewhere and that's what he wanted to see. In Deacon's defense, he was cold and tired and could only see if he was on one of our shoulders (which he did enjoy immensely). But after Josh and the boys shared a reindeer dog (a hotdog made of reindeer meat), and after the boys and I had some chips and hot chocolate, we made our way to what Zeke had been waiting all morning to go see:
08 March 2010
A New Smile
05 March 2010
While We're On the Topic
03 March 2010
I'm Out of "Snow" Titles
From what I've been told, it was a pretty mild February. No where near the normal amount of snow fell, and it actually got pretty warm in the middle there for a week or two. Of course, by warm I mean in the mid 30's, but it was so nice compared to the negative temps we were getting used to. Not to mention the wonderful fact that the sun has finally started making it over the mountains by us, so we actually get to see the sun for a little bit each day the sky isn't covered with clouds. I can tell I'm not the only one who missed it because every time it was out Zeke would get all excited and say, "Mommy, look! The sun!" Then he'd run around the house and point out all the rainbows that the sun was making on our walls by shining through our hall light.
The warmth and the sun have also meant that the sheet of ice that's been covering our driveway for the past however long softened up enough for Josh to get out there and chip it away, including the "speed bump". You see, most of the roofs over the garage/driveways around here are angled, like this:
Ours, however, is not angled. It's perfectly straight. Like this:
Don't worry, he didn't have to do it all by himself though. He had some "help" one day:
Notice how, in the middle and right pictures, Deacon is shovelling the snow from the snow bank onto the driveway. He's such a good helper. Zeke and I "helped" by coloring on the newly cleared driveway (it's a rocket):
Sorry it's dark. The camera batteries were practically dead, so Josh couldn't get the flash to go off. But, what this is a picture of, is Josh standing in front of the snowbanks that now flank our driveway. For those who don't know (or don't remember) Josh is 6 foot 4 inches tall. The bank behind him is almost as tall as he is, so I'd put it at around 6 feet tall. That's right. There is currently six feet of snow at the end of our driveway. It makes me even more thankful that we live on a little cul-de-sac that no one really drives up and down because sometimes it's really hard to see around the banks to see if there is anyone coming.
And to think, this has been a mild winter so far. Wow.