I feel like it's been awhile since I've blogged. Which makes me feel like I should have something to blog about. However, I don't. We have done nothing new or exciting here lately. It's just life as usual around here.
I have been asked a lot about baby #3, and have been thinking a lot about baby #3, and think some day I'll get around to writing a post about baby #3 and all my thoughts about it, but today is not that day because it's rainy and chilly, and I am too tired as I was out too late last night (silly Pampered Chef parties), and my thoughts aren't cohesive enough for my own head, let alone the blogosphere.
So, until either I get those thoughts down and posted here, or until something a little more exciting happens, here is a picture I took a few weeks ago when it was sunny. The boys and I were playing in the yard, I had to go inside for something, and when I came back out, this is how I found them...

This is one of those many moments where I wish I could either 1)understand what they're saying when they talk to each other - or talk in general even though that is getting MUCH better, or 2)read their minds. I can almost hear Zeke saying, "Now, you see this rock, Deacon? This, this is a good rock. A solid rock. Come closer and look at this good rock. Now, the rock in your hands is okay too, but this rock here, this is a good rock." And judging my the look on what we can see of Deacon's face, I imagine he's thinking, "Is this guy for real? It's a rock. Why is his arm around me? That makes me a little uncomfortable. I wonder how much he'd like it if I hit him in the head with my rock. Maybe then he'd realize my rock is just as good as his."
What do you think?
I think...your boys are adorable. I don't think I've remarked yet about their hair....I loved the long look, it was cute, then I saw the shaved look, now I'm in a quandary because I can't decide which is cuter.
You make me laugh out loud! I like rocks.
Hilarity! I may have to retire my title as th "funny one" of the fam.
cute commentary:) I am amazed by women who survive baby 1 and 2 and forge on for 3! We have luckily nixed that option because I would be totally gray by the time the kids were in school:)
lol im cracking up right now too funny i love it and its a great pic. oh pampered chef party huh you can order from my partylite sight now :o) new catalog too :o) www.partylite.biz/firefairy
oh yea where is baby #3 we need a girl
We laughed out loud, reading your blog together! So funny!
Stole this and put it on my blog..,
I think your interpretation was right on... I'm just hoping you stopped the stoning from happening!
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