Deacon, on the other hand, LOVES that toilet. He plays with it, sits on it, climbs on it. Deacon has also woken up dry a few mornings in a row now. So now I'm thinking maybe we should train Deacon instead. Linda and I had a laugh about that last night. I said, "Couldn't you just picture that post? 'So, we potty trained Deacon this weekend. I know, I know, he is the younger one (by almost 18 months) but he was ready. Zeke, well, Zeke just wasn't.'" And oh, how we both did laugh.
Now I'm thinking, maybe I should just try both of them at the same time. Then I think, "AM I NUTS?!?" Do I really want to train two boys at one time? Could be easier in the long run, I guess. Might be a lot of work upfront though. And am I really ready for any of this? Not really, I'd be happy to keep them both in diapers until they are about to start kindergarten. I kid, I kid. So I don't know. They both are showing signs that they're ready, but they both seem (in my mind anyways) not quite there yet.
How old are they? I know we waited w/Hawkin and it was a peace of cake.
Then when we tried w/Soren I would try a little bit and if it was unsuccessfull that day i would stop until finally one day it clicked. Sure we had an accident or two but it was like he decided he was ready.
SO I say give it a try and if all goes well great. if not take a short break and try again! Repeat pattern until this works. ;0)
I am currently potty training 2 boys...there are times when I lay off and times when I don't. They are in different stages. My hope though is that because Daniel is taking so long, Drew will PT early (for a boy) and it will all even out. And that they will both be out of diapers within about 6 months. So if Decan looks like he is ready, I would just PT him too. You can take it slow...but at least if he is willing, you might get 2 out of diapers sooner than you think :)
Try it and see how crazy it makes you. Currently Megan crawls around in the bath tub with toys while we spend most of our days on teh potty. At first it was going well, now it is a battle but it will happen eventually. Someone told me that kids don't go to college in diapers so don't worry:)
What is the difference between cloth diapers and underwear?
Dad IL
I vote train Deacon... Zeke is bound to want to play along too. :)
Dad's right... cloth diapers and underwear are basically the same thing... wanna try those?
HI Beth,
I kinda of agree with the doctor. When the twins were ready to be potty trained it took only three days. I put the potty chairs in the bathroom and the twins went into the bathroom looked at them and started to talk about their new potty chairs. One day they decided to try them out together. Of course, I praised them like crazy. And from then on they used them. Nate was actually trained in one day. He went through his first night without a diaper with an accidents and from then on he never wore diapers again. Holly took about three days. The potty chairs disappeared after about three weeks and the twins started to use the toilet without any problem. They only needed help with wiping #2(gross). Anyway that was my experience. I was afraid that potty training twins was going to be difficult and trying, but it was very easy. When they were ready mother nature just took over. The doctor said that potty training had more to do with the development of the bladder than age. and this differs with each child. Parents can potty train their children, but they are really just training themselves by knowing when their kid needs to go instead of the kid knowing when and where to go. Hope this helps. That was my experience anyway.
Aunt Lorrie
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