A few months ago, sometime in July to be a little more exact, okay, July 9th be exactly exact, my dear friend Summer tagged me to do another one of those "getting to know you" things. Well, I finally have a little time to do it, and so, here we go...
5 things on my to-do list
1. finish unpacking all those boxes in the garage
2. wash all of the clothes that spent the last two months on a boat and in crates...ick
3. call my mom since today is her birthday - Happy Birthday Mom!
4. figure out what the boys will be having for dinner tonight
5. take money out of the atm for my evening out with Joni
5 Jobs I've Had
1. Hostess/Waitress
2. Stock"girl" at Staples
3. counselor at Bible camp
4. Substitute teacher
5. SAHM (my favorite one by far)
5 Place I've Lived
1. Scotch Plains, NJ
2. Bound Brook, NJ
3. North Plainfield, NJ
4. Ramsthal, Germany
5.Lawton, OK
5 Favorite Snacks
1. ice cream!!
2. cookies
3. wheat thins toasted chips (veggie flavored)
4. kettlecorn popcorn (usually with peanut butter M&Ms in it)
5. animal crackers dipped in nutella
5 Things You May Not Know About Me
1. I love Bruce Campbell. I think he is a fantastic actor/author.
2. I play World of Warcraft, and I LOVE it.
3. Sometimes my kids stress me out so badly that I put them down for naps/bed 15minutes, or more, early just to get a break from them.
4. I am slightly obsessive compulsive. Slightly.
5. I hate being pregnant. Being pregnant has not been a pleasant experience for me and I really do not enjoy those months. I guess the middle part was ok, but not the beginning or the end.
5 Things I Would Do If I Were A Billionaire
1. Pray. Mostly for myself and to make wise decisions with that sort of money.
2. Give to specific missionaries and mission organizations, help charities, nonprofits & ministries.
3. Set up some sort of adoption scholarship/fund thing to help couples who would make great parents become parents when they can't afford it all on their own.
4. Buy my husband a used book store he could own and operate.
5. Build a monorail system from wherever we wind up living "for good" to NJ so that, even though it'll still take hours to get there, at least it won't involve driving, flying, delays, traffic, other people, etc. It would have a play room, and a little movie theater and food. It'd be sweet.
5 Things I Love
1. God.
2. The excitement on my boys faces when they realize Daddy's home.
3. The smell after it rains early AM. (it reminds me of camp)
4. Fall
5. Laughter
5 People I Tag
I'm not going to tag anyone in particular, but if you'd like to do it too (it was kind of fun) feel free! And let me know if you do, as it's really fun to read other people's answers.
And so this post isn't all about me, here is a picture of the boys I took recently. In this picture, I was trying to get a nice picture of both boys on the chair together. As you can see, it didn't work out too well. The entire time I tried taking pictures Zeke insisted on telling me a story, he paid NO attention to the camera at all. Dee Dee, on the other hand, couldn't refraind from completely cheesing it up for the camera.

Oh, oh, oh! I also found a new site, by reading another new site, that I wanted to share with y'all because it is just too funny. I put a link on my sidebar, as well as one HERE. (Boy oh boy, is today's post linktastic!) It's called Cake Wrecks. I linked to the first one because I think that's a great place to start. So, put down your drink (or it will come out of your nose) and read a few of Jen's posts.
I super puffy heart you for wanting to set up an adoption fund. You almost made me cry with that.
Also, you and Josh make the most beautiful kids EVER! And I'm not just saying that because I am their Aunt SuperAwesomePantsMcGee.
deacon's always cheesing it up and i miss zeke's gibberish lol
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