Last week, a dear friend of ours, Tracy, came back to Germany for a visit (she used to live here but moved to the states a few months ago). And we were lucky enough to have her over for dinner! I don't think I've truly laughed that hard in awhile. I don't think Zeke has ever laughed that hard...ever. Zeke and Tracy were truly a comedic team that night. He would say something to her, she would say something back, then the two of them would throw their heads back and crack up. Here's a picture illustrating how most of the evening went:

As you can see, fun was had by all!
The last week has also brought us some chilly, rainy days. Ugh. This made the boys a little on the crazy side (see And How Was Your Day?). So last Friday, I decided to get out the "indoor sandbox" that Josh's parents sent Zeke. I think it was the quietest hour the two of them have ever spent together, playing with the same toy.

It's fifteen pounds of rice in a plastic case anyone was wondering.
I don't know what it is about "Hot Dogs and Macaroni & Cheese Night", but that seems to be the night that the boys tend to make poor choices as to what activity they amuse themselves with while I'm cooking. A few weeks ago was the Q-tip fiasco. This week it was Zeke deciding to color all over the bench with his blue crayon, then feed that same crayon to Deacon (whose mouth and hands were nice and "Smurfy" by the time I realized they were being too quiet), then getting into my coupons and crinkling them up and throwing them all over the floor, the table, and the radiator. Oh, he also colored with his blue crayon all over my Bible. Yeah.

I don't know why I don't think to check on them a little more often while I'm cooking. I guess I just figure that as long as they're quiet, I don't mind cleaning up the mess.
And finally, here are some videos we took the last two days. The first is of Zeke walking around in Josh's houseshoes, then "falling" in them. He's a ham. The second is of Deacon just cracking up last night. Sorry that one's a little blurry and all, it required a special motion and noise on Mommy's part to get that sweet laugh. Besides, we were all laughing pretty hard at this point.
Well, I hope you all have a great weekend. Enjoy your Memorial Day!
I love those little boys!
I'm glad you had a good time with Tracy! She looks fantastic.
Did Zeke get that wierd allergic reaction the sandbox again? I was wondering if that resolved itself. Nice job with the blue crayon, by the way, Zeke. There's a book you might enjoy in a year or two called Harold and the Purple Crayon. Just in case you ever decide to expand your repertoire.
Oh! I miss Tracy!
Would have loved to have witnessed the smurfiness. Your boys are too much! Love the vids!
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