It was bound to happen sooner or later. Quite frankly, I'm a little surprised it took this long. After being in a toddler bed since February, Zeke got himself out of bed for the first time on Sunday. Josh thinks Zeke was on his way to get Josh since Zeke's diaper was stinky. I think he was planning on playing quietly in his room until naptime was over. Unfortunately, we'll never know since the only way he was discovered out of bed is because the blew his door partly open and Josh went to close it. He hasn't done it again since (as far as I know), so we'll see.
The other day Zeke had done something he wasn't supposed to. I can't remember what, but Josh sprung into action, scooping up Zeke and started giving him a talkin' to in his "stern voice". Zeke all but melted into tears causing Josh to laugh and say, "How am I supposed to ever yell at you when you make that face?!?" Yeah, discipling is going to be a lot of fun with Mr. Waterworks.
Last week I took Zeke to the dentist for the first time. He did awesome. The dentist did well also. It was pretty neat. The dentist had me hold Zeke on my lap with his legs wrapped around my waist.

Then I had Zeke lay down on my lap and his head rested in the dentist's lap, who could then look directly into Zeke's mouth and down his throat and all. Clever. I was also impressed that the dentist could tell that Zeke fell and broke one of his teeth at some point.
He did tell me that Zeke drinks too much juice. To quote the dentist, "The best thing a parent can do for their kids teeth is to feed them every two to two and a half hours. Between feedings, only let them drink water or milk. And no sippy cups. It's okay to give kids 4 to 6 ounces of juice a day, but that should only be given at the table during a meal." Hmm. Sounds logical to me. Not so much to Zeke though. Now I give him his sippy cup (I'm working on non-sippy cups, I promise) with water in it and he hands it back, makes his saddest face EVER, does the sign for juice (it's actually the sign for milk, but whatever), and says (in his saddest voice EVER), "Juice? Juice? Juice?" Getting sadder and sadder, with each repetition of the word juice. Eventually he drinks the water, but it's still a sad sight.
Saturday, Josh's boss had a "cinco de mayo" fiesta (sorry if I spelled that wrong) and we went for a bit. Zeke had a great time just running around all the open space of their backyard. At one point, all these kids were running around and chasing each other, etc. and there was Zeke, just standing there by himself talking to himself. He's so stinkin' precious. Just talking to himself and his little maraca souvenir he got while all the action went on around him. I wish I had gotten a picture. He was a bit younger than most of the other kids.
Last night I went out to dinner with Sandra, and left the boys home with Daddy. Josh said the night went well, and that Zeke ate a ton of dinner. After Zeke was done eating a Josh-sized portion of dinner, he walked around the house patting his full belly. He was obviously very pleased with his performance.
I took Zeke for his second hearing test today. Same results as last time - the right ear passed, the left ear got two "refers". Again, the tester said she thinks his ear is fine, but he moved too much at the end and the test couldn't finish. So, now we can either try again in two weeks, go to the audiologist in Graf (about two hours away), or go the pediatrician who can write a referral to an ENT (ears, nose, throat) on the economy. I'll let you know what we decide.
I've started playing patty-cake with Deacon a little more lately, and Zeke has re

ally picked it up. So the other day he and I were upstairs doing some stuff, and Zeke decided that it would be a great idea to play patty-cake with Peavey. Unfortunately, Peavey does not share Zeke's new enthusiasm for this game, and kind of freaked out when Zeke got to the "Put it in the oven for Zeke and me!" part. In the cats defense, I just think he did not know what to do when Zeke attempted to "tickle" him in his face, so he scratched Zeke's hand. It could have been a lot worse. But it was funny to watch. Zeke also played patty-cake with the VCR last night. Yes, he is a special boy indeed.