So I got a package in the mail the other day and it was packed with packing peanuts. What else, right? I was working on getting some dinner together and Zeke was being a little bit of a nudge (not completely unexpected), and wanting to keep him busy for a few minutes while I finished dinner, I pulled out the box of packing peanuts. I didn't fully know what would happen, but boy did we have fun! Styrofoam peanuts were everywhere! (I'm still working on cleaning them all up two days later.) Zeke and I - that's right, I joined in the festivities after we finished eating dinner - ran through them, we rolled in them, we took turns dumping them on each other and throwing them at each other. It was kind of sad when we had to end our fun because Deacon had to get up and eat. Spoil sport.

And speaking of Deacon, Tiny Man had his four month well baby appointment yesterday and it went really well. Among the many compliments the pediatrician poured on him were, "You win the 'Cutie Patootie of the Day Award'", and "Did you have any work done on his belly button? It's absolutely perfect." Which made us both laugh. She goes, "I'm sure that's just the compliment you wanted to hear." But he weighed in at 14 1/2 pounds and 25 1/4 inches. He is right at the 50% for everything - a perfect baby says the doctor. I think so too. And not that I'm comparing kids, but I do find these things interesting. Deacon weights two pounds more than Zeke did at this appointment and is an inch shorter than Zeke was. Well, that's all the news for now. Just wanted to share on this occasionally sunny morning!