So, it's been about a week since I've blogged anything, so I thought I'd just pop in real quick and say hello. I also wanted to share with everyone the face Zeke makes when Mommy says, "No." (He also makes this face whenever he thinks I'm going to leave him as I walk down the stairs to get something from the car, go upstairs to get something from one of the rooms up there, or anything else along those lines.) Bless his sweet heart. Seeing him make this face breaks mine.
No! Don't post the face! You know I can't take it! The day we came back from Ikea and he stood at the top of the stairs and cried, it broke my heart, too. That was the day I started hoping my kids would never make that face because I'll be completely helpless as a mom if they do.
What a sweet boy Zeke is. He must love his mama. Caleb has got me all tied in knots too. Until he turns of the crying machine at the drop of a dime. When he goes from super cry to sly smile in the span of 2 seconds, I see through his little ploys. Baby boys are so fun.
Awe, I'm glad you caught such a face on camera! I miss you!
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