So my sweet, sweet baby boy, Deacon, had his two month well-baby appointment today. Have I told you all how much I hate the health clinic here? I really don't like to use the word hate, because I feel that too many people use it too loosely for the intense word that it is, but I HATE that place. Anyhoo...the appointment itself went well. Developmentally he's exactly where he should be, he weighed in at 13 pounds and just over 24 inches - that puts him in the 90% or so for both. Hopefully it'll last. :) Everyone cooed over him and just couldn't get over how cute his is and how much hair he has. Then they stuck him with a bunch of needles and he's been not so cute ever since. Okay, he did sleep for about an hour since then, and we did have a few sweet smiley moments after I fed him, but now he's laying in his bed (only because I can't hold him anymore right now) screaming. Poor baby. I wish there was something I could do to ease his pain, but he's got a bit longer to go before I can give him more Tylenol. Hopefully he'll settle down after I feed him one more time and fall asleep for the night. I guess we'll see...
Hey babe! Sorry I'm missing the fun times over there. I'm sure your nerves are a wreck by now! Did you try icing the injection site? I don't know if that will help but if you're maxed out on Tylenol it might be worth a shot. Poor baby. I wish I was there to hold him and give you a break. Even though we both know I'd be crying along with him!
Poor little guy! Hopefully by now he's back to smiles. He IS adorable!
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