So it was an exciting weekend here at the Walter house. Okay, it was a weekend really like any other weekend, however, Zeke was in rare form as you can see by the pictures below.
Here we see that Zeke found a new way to get water all over the bathroom at bathtime.
How great that he's not even in the tub yet.

Sunday, I took the boys to the Scheisshaus for dinner since it was such a nice night. Our friends Sara and Jacob joined us and we had a great time. And, as you can see by the picture below, Zeke was in rock heaven...what you can't tell from this picture, though, is that not only is his lap full of rocks, but his diaper is as well. Oh yeah!

Have no fear though, I did pictures of the rock diaper and when I get some time I will post those to my bebo page, along with more pictures of Zeke playing in the water and of his new table and one of the boys after church this past Sunday. Until then...
(oh, and Deacon slept for nine straight hours the night of his doctor's appointment. i guess not taking two naps and doing all that crying really wore him out.)