So, the other day I put Zeke down for a nap in just his diaper because it actually got hot here for a few days. After listening to him play in his bed for an hour I decided to go in and check on him. So I opened the door and there he was...everything from his bed on the floor and he was naked. Yup, he's figured out how to take off his diapers. Yee-ha! When he saw me come in he said, "Yay!" Then proceeded to run circles in his bed - naked. Ah the joys of boys.
So cute!! I love that little naked man. Although you're in big trouble if he starts taking his diaper off when it's full!
yea you have a blog i'll be checking that and put it on my site for easy access! love your title and we often run nakie after baths and by we i mean hawkin and soren.
i'll be thinking of you and praying for you especially while josh is gone. it's not easy being alone with 2 boys! though you probably handle it much better than i.
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