Last week, the 13th to the 19th of July, Zeke and Deacon spent the week at Pine Bush Bible Camp. This was super exciting for a few reasons. One, it was the first time either of them spent a night away from home without us, except for Easter two years ago when they spent one night at my mom's. Two, my cousin, Candice, and I grew up going to and then working at this camp. It was a HUGE part of my summer, life, etc, for a good 15 years or so. Needless to say, I was super pumped to have them go. They were super pumped to go as well, and seem to have a had a really good time.

I was also super pumped my sister, Katherine, was there to come along side the boys and lift them up when they were feeling a little down, and to just be there with them. She said Zeke did really well, and had a smile on his face all the time and loved it. She also said that Deacon wasn't as excited and kind of moved slowly like a zombie through the week, but that's essentially Deacon in a nutshell. That kids have very little pep. I think Zeke got Deacon's helping of that. I digress...They both said they had a great time and would happily go back next summer, maybe even for 2 weeks.
This meant Finn got to have Mama (that's what he calls me) all to himself for the week. I do mean all to himself as Josh was in Indiana almost that whole time too. He left before the boys did and didn't get home until Thursday. So, what did the wee one and I do? Umm...
Monday we had a successful trip to the library:
Tuesday Finn "helped" me cut the grass in the backyard:
Wednesday he "helped" me do some laundry:
Thursday, Finn helped me take garbage and recycling to the dumpsters:
Finn is a HUGE fan of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (has been for a few years now) and before each of these chores, Finn would ask himself, "Which Mouseketool will we use today?" The answers being: scissors to cut the grass, a shovel to do laundry, and a flashlight to take out the garbage.
On Friday, Josh was home, so instead of chores, "we" played on computers:
Like father like son.
So, the whole week Finn kept asking when we would go to camp and get his brothers. He asked every single day if we could do that. Every day. Saturday rolls around, he climbs into bed with me and asks, "Where are we going today?" When I told him was the day we could finally go to camp and get his brothers he was all, " I don't want to do that today." What?! Well, get them we did, and I think it's pretty safe to say they all missed each other:
Welcome home Zeke and Deacon! I'm glad you had such a wonderful time.
PS. Thanks to Erna Tremper for taking so many great pictures and posting them on Facebook while the boys were gone! The first 2 pictures are from there.