However, he does still like to put random things on his head. Things like the bottom half of the box to his new puzzle.

As well as things like this weird rubbery thing that he found at Amity's house while we were playing over there yesterday.

Tomorrow is the last day of school here. I'm not sure how that's going to go over with Zeke, it could make for a long summer. But that's not the point of this post. The point of this post is that today, Zeke's class, and the other preschool class, put on a little show for their families, complete with refreshments afterwards.
It was really cute. They "performed" six songs. The first was a muscial version of the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" Zeke was the goldfish.
Second was a song about wheels turning and drums beating in my heart which involved a few hand motions. Then a song about how big are you, Mommy and Daddy, which involved the use of scarves.
Fourth was a song about moving all the different parts of your body. I like this particular clip because it shows how "serious" Zeke tried to be while performing whenever he looked in our direction, and it shows how he had to pull up his pants after the jumping parts, which occured in just about every song they did.
They followed that song up with "The Chicken Dance". Oh, yeah. I'm just going to let the video speak for itself on this one, once I say that Zeke was totally into it and boogied down better than any other kid out there on this number.
Go ahead and watch that again if you want, I'll wait. And sorry about the sideways footage in the first video. I guess Josh thought the video would turn with the camera, but it didn't. It's still so much fun to watch.
They then closed with a slower number where they ended by walking to their parents, climbing in our laps and "falling asleep". So sweet.
As a matter of fact, as we were checking out the fire truck a second one came along. Then things got really exciting. The firemen broke in the front door and started checking out the house. (Apparently someone left a pot on before leaving the house and it caused a little fire which set off their alarm, which alerted the fire department.)
Once all of that excitement was over and our neighbor came back home (thanks to Josh calling his wife to let her know what was going on), I told Josh to take the boys outside to see the fire trucks up close. Because really, what little boy (or adult boy for that matter) doesn't love to see fire trucks up close and personal? So, the three of them went outside and stood on the front lawn for a minute until the firemen invited them over to check things out.