28 August 2009
No Nose Knows Like Mom's Nose Knows
24 August 2009
I'm Going to Let the Sheet Start Us Off...
While the boys did incredibly well while we were there, Deacon decided he was ready to go long before Grandpa was. Grandpa graciously agreed to leave early, but unfortunately we weren't quick enough getting out and Deacon had a bit of a meltdown. We got everyone back home, fed them some lunch, put the boys down for naps, then Mom and Dad headed back on their own to finish up the museum.
After naptime we went for a little hike to Eagle River (since it's right across the street). While a bit muddy, it was a nice time. Many a rock was thrown (or skipped [or attempted to be skipped]), as were some sticks.
Then it was back to the house for dinner, baths, movie time, bedtime for the kids, game time for the adults (which actually took place during the rest of the naptimes and bedtimes - yay), and then bedtime for the adults.
SO, onwards we go. Wednesday afternoon went much like Tuesday afternoon only Josh did a little "fish fry" action for dinner. Yum. And the kids played in the yard. And that all for Wednesday.
15 August 2009
So, Um, I Guess We Were Only Amusing Ourselves?
Well, Niki (and everyone else), Jack wasn't the only one protesting this dance contest. While Jack's protest was of a peaceful, silent nature, Zeke's was a little more verbal...
So, I guess we're done here. Kind of anticlimactic, especially after all the "trash talking" Niki and I did. But, since I don't want you to go away from here totally empty handed, here is a video of Zeke (and Josh) singing a song and doing some handmotions to a song that Josh's grandmother made up...
Okay, here's a second version because I just can't get enough of it, and I also can't decide which version is better because they really are two different performances in which he totally rocks different points. I thought about trying to figure out how to meld them into one video with just the good parts, but then I decided I didn't care that much and two videos is just as good. Therefore, here's number two for you...
And with that, I leave you now. Josh's parents are coming to visit for a few days and there is cleaning to be done and stuff to take care of before they arrive at midnight tonight. Guess who's making that airport run. (I'll give you a hint, it's NOT the girl writing this post. Or, not writing this post, I guess, since I am finished writing it.)
10 August 2009
Read 'Em and Weap!
Okay, Niki. I'll see your Six Little Ducks, and raise you one Godfather of Soul:
I'll spare you the parentheses this time. The song, in case you can't really hear it, is "Get Up Offa That Thing" by James Brown. It plays during the last few minutes of "Robots". Also, I posted two videos because the first one has both boys dancing (Deacon stops dancing halfway through the first video so he can poop), but the second has Zeke doing a little bit better moves and he lays a sweet kiss on Deacon which is too good not to share.
And I don't know about you, Niki, but I know my boys can do better (I think Zeke may have been too busy trying to copy the dance moves he was seeing on the TV, and we all know Deacon's excuse). How about one more round? We'll give each other until, um, Friday? to capture our boys' sweet moves. Does Friday work for you?
06 August 2009
Are You Sure, Niki?
Are you sure you want to take on these two in a "Toddler Dance-Off?"
I'm just making sure. Keep in mind, this is only a small sampling of what these two can do. I'll save their better moves under wraps, as it were, for now. Be afraid, Jack. Be very, very afraid.
(In case you can't tell, they're dancing to the end song of "Backyardigans".)
(Did you notice Zeke's little "foot in the air" pose at the end?)
(After the kids finish singing on the show, they run into a house for snack time. After they're done singing and dancing, my boys run into their bedroom calling out, "Later! Later!")
(Also, I posted July pics on Flickr. It's mostly parade shots, but they're still pretty cool. Lots of neat cars.)
(I think I'm done parenthesizing now.)
(Yes, I made up that word. I know you know what I mean.)
(okay, now i'm done)