Where to begin? I've been meaning to blog each day as it happened, as Josh emailed me pictures of his day's journey, as things go on, but I haven't. So now I have to catch up a little. This post is just going to be about us. Tomorrow (or the next day) I will put together a post on Josh's drive to Washington, complete with pictures. Until then, let me entertain you with some stories from the boys.
Yesterday, I was cooking dinner and thinking about Zeke's speech. I was specifically thinking about how he doesn't pronounce S's when they are on the front of words ("Hammie" for Sammie, "nomen" for snowmen) and I was wondering if he could say them if they were at the end of words instead. So, I thought long and hard for a word that ended in s, and said to him, "Hey, Zeke. Can you say kiss?" He looked at me, yelled, "YUCK!", and then took off running through the house repeating the word yuck over and over.
For those of you who don't know this, whenever we say goodbye to someone, we don't just say bye and that's all. No, my boys say, "Bye. Tchuess. Ciao." (Tchuess, which sounds like "juice" but with more of a "ch" sound in front, is bye in German, and Ciao, pronounced "chow", is bye [and I think hi] in Italian, and really lots of European countries.) So, Deacon loves to say this. He has also started to learn how to count and can make it all the way to three. Also, whenever a helicopter flies over our house we say "Bye. Tchuess. Ciao Harold!" Harold being the helicopter from Thomas the Tank Engine. So, the other day, as a helicpoter flew out of sight Deacon waved and said, "Bye. Tchuess. Three!" And reading that here makes it seem sort of "So?" but I assure you, it was funny in the moment.
Also last night, I was putting laundry away in Zeke's room when I heard him in the living room yelling, "HUP! HUP!" I walked back in and saw him throwing raisins and peanuts in the air like he was Scrooge McDuck and his snack was gold coins. And, of course, this meant there was raisins and peanuts all. over. the. floor. See?
Lovely, yes?
And then today, I got home from MOPS only to find out that I had left the house without my house key and the boys and I were locked out. I called our landlady, who was out taking care of business. Perfect. Luckily, and I truly praise God for this, Zeke is occassionnally (I can never remember which letters get doubled in that word, so I just go for them all) fascinated with the locks on his windows, and it just so happened that the last time he played with them, he left them in the unlocked position, so I was able to remove the screen, open the window from the outside and open up the door to let the boys in (they were safely in the garage, not just wandering up and down the street or anything).
And Zeke about broke my heart last night with the manner in which he asked for Josh, but I will spare you and your heart strings that story. Just know that Daddy is sorely missed by his little boy.
Now I am off to clean up the aforementioned raisins and peanuts (no, I didn't do it last night, shame on me) and to relax a little while the boys nap. I shall leave you, though, with some videos of the proper way to eat macaroni and cheese. You know, in case you were confused. Bye! Tchuess! Ciao!
It's the books. Those books are the Little Critter books that Linda got for Zeke for Christmas two years ago. Those books are "it" right now. Zeke always has them either in his bed with him, carries the stack of them around, or has them on the floor next to his bed. And this has been every day for the past week or two. It's fabulous.
It came from my dear friend, Tracy, and I just wanted to share it with you all since I enjoy it that much. If you are interested in seeing more works by this artist (Anne Taintor), and all the various objects you can get them on (cards, messenger bags, magnets, etc) you can click here, and be taken right to her site. You now have an assignment. Go to the site linked, click on the "Find Your Favorite Taintorette" option. Pick your favorite and either leave a comment with your favorite caption or post your favorite on your own blog. It'll be fabulous! Just like this card.