17 December 2007
10 December 2007
Hair Today...Gone Tomorrow
We finally did it. We shaved Deacon's head this weekend. It seemed a cruel thing to do with winter just starting, but we figured if shaving his head was inevitable then it'd be better to do it now so that it can start growing back now. The question remains though, will it grow back blond like Zeke's did, or will it grow back brown like it was before we shaved it. Personally, I'm hoping for brown. However, the fuzz we left is pretty light, so I've got a feeling we're going to have another blond baby over here soon. I guess only time will truly tell. Heehee! Here are the before, during and after shots of the shaving session. I also posted a picture of how Zeke looked before we shaved his head, how he looked right after we shaved his head, and how he looks now. You know, just for fun.
Here's Deacon...
06 December 2007
Where I'm From
So, Linda had written a poem on her blog that was from a "formula" of sorts that came from a poem written by George Ella Lyons called "Where I'm From." Well, her poem inspired me to go to the link for the poem (which I've put at the bottom of my poem should any of you decide to give it a go as well), and write one of my own. I'm not so good with writing poetry in any form, but I am pretty pleased with what I came up with. I hope you enjoy it and take the time to write one for yourself. Now, without further adieu, my poem:
Where I'm From
I am from brown bears and white blankets, from Wonder Bread and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with juice boxes.
I am from the one and the other; from this home and that home, that family and this family; the brokenness of division and the mending and healing of addition (then multiplication).
I am from the dogwood in the front and the morning glory in the back, the tall maples and the sweet smelling honeysuckles.
I am from Thanksgiving dinner in the church basement, then, in later years, at Auntie's. From dark hair, bright eyes, and fair skin. From Caffreys and Wells, and Howells and Morels, and Rudys and Vints.
I am from getting together once a month to celebrate birthdays and wrapping paper ball fights at Christmas.
I am from "stop picking on your sister" and "if you don't eat your dinner you don't get any ice cream."
I am from wearing dresses and skirts to church on Sundays, hymns, camp and true worship at the ocean.
I am from the garden state and the land of eire, hot dogs with macaroni and cheese and applesauce, and big spaghetti dinners.
I am from being so sour it'll make you cry to being so sweet it'll make your teeth hurt in two seconds flat. From hearing, "I'm so proud of you" sometimes sober, sometimes not. Most importantly, I'm from a God who loves me unconditionally, and who created me in His own perfect image, exactly as he wanted me to be - flaws and all.
I am from the self-confidence, comfort and happiness given to me by a man strong in stature, will and love. I am from the lines forming at the corners of my eyes from the sweet boy who is good -natured like his mommy. I am from a heart that melts every time "the one who is just like his daddy" smiles big just for me. Praise God for such amazing blessings.
And there you have it. Here's the link as promised too http://www.swva.net/fred1st/wif.htm.
02 December 2007
Rolling and Rocking
So, it's been awhile since I last blogged, and I blame Josh. Hehehe...not too much of the usual things get done while he's home on leave. But we're really not complaing. We are just too thrilled to have him here and we're sure you all understand. But that's not the reason for this blog. No, this post is to let you all know that Deacon is rolling over. That's right, he started yesterday morning as we were getting ready for church, and he's been doing it non-stop since. I took a video, but I can't figure out how to get it to actually load into the blog, so I also took a step by step photo set. That is what you're looking at here. Lying on the back, swinging the legs, and up and over we go! Too cool. We've also started bottle feeding Deacon because I just can't keep up with his insane Walter male metabolism anymore. Ah well.

As for Zeke, he is just too much these days. He's started dancing and enjoys rocking out with Daddy while Daddy plays the guitar. Zeke has also started to say and sign up a storm, which has been very encouraging to me. I'll admit it, I was starting to get a little worried. Just a little though. Zeke is also getting too tall. He can now reach just about anything anywhere and it's made life so much more interesting. Our new favorite phrase is, "Now, Zeke, where did you find that?" Oh yeah. And that's really all the new for now. Until next time, God bless!
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